Sopatel Silmande Hotel i Ouagadougou

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Route de Kaya BP 4733, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
Kontakter telefon: +226 25 35 62 62
Latitude: 12.39177, Longitude: -1.50217
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Kommentar 5

  • Alex Hagan

    Alex Hagan


    Poolside dinner was very cozy

  • Kwame Nkum

    Kwame Nkum


    Beautiful exterior and view. Good food. Remember to take your insect repellent and a little air refreshner as room is a bit stale

  • Onlyworth mytime

    Onlyworth mytime


    If you like overpriced food and living conditions, then this is the right hotel for you. They only serve certain items on their menu most days, because they want you to spend 15,000 on their buffet. Which is double the price than the menu items for the same food. The elevators break almost everyday, the air conditioners in The rooms do not cool, they only blow room temperature air. The power goes out a few times a day, but they do have a backup generator that works. They are not accommodating at all, and do not try to use the ATM in this hotel because it is permanently broken and no plans of being fixed. There are nicer hotels in this city and I would recommend checking them out first.

  • Hiind Jbara

    Hiind Jbara


    It s a good place..

  • Olaseni Ashiru

    Olaseni Ashiru


    Great hotel. Lovely rooms, pleasant, amiable, friendly and helpful staff. I've also got an excellent view of the pool and the Lake beyond.

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