Ouagadougou Airport i Ouagadougou

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Kontakter telefon: +226 64 98 33 52
Hjemmeside: www.aeroport-ouagadougou.com
Latitude: 12.3543157, Longitude: -1.513186
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Kommentar 5

  • Shalendra Dwivedi

    Shalendra Dwivedi


    A small airport with very limited facilities such as Duty free, restaurants & waiting area. But overall process of check in & boarding flight is smooth. Waiting area at the boarding air conditioning is not effective it can evidently seen that ceiling fans have also been installed to compensate air con.

  • Christophe Seynaeve

    Christophe Seynaeve


    On evenings with multiple fights it can easily take you 60-90 minutes to pass all inefficient checks

  • Christian Condin

    Christian Condin


    No proper aircon while waiting in line Witz tons of other people make it a, let's say, difficult experience. That there is a aircon at the exit when you're about to board the plane, is like a cruel joke. But it's the only game in town.

  • Mahfuz Romeo

    Mahfuz Romeo


    Very very nice service on this small Airport even before I was there i contacted with them and they helped me a lot through online even they replied too quickly. Officials all Staff's are very friendly and helpful with foreigners. I love this airport.

  • Jonathan G

    Jonathan G


    What to expect? Flights are often delayed due to slow process before take off.. 3 hours before big flights is needed. Tax free is small and ok but closes Early. You can buy some chips and snacks, the Beer prices is a big plus; more or less the same as in town. Its One of the 5 poorest countries in the world so not a surprise things work differently. It could be worse.

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