Mercure Silmande Ouagadougou Hotel i Ouagadougou

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Route de Kaya BP 4733, 01, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Kontakter telefon: +226 25 35 60 05
Latitude: 12.39177, Longitude: -1.50217
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Kommentar 5

  • peulhvagabond' dyenaa diaw

    peulhvagabond' dyenaa diaw


    hotel a fuir!!! a peine digne d'un deux étoiles. j'y est séjournez 4 jours. Les prix sont extrêmement chers (et surtout attention a la facture finale) le tout pour des douches bouchées, sans eau chaude, wifi inexistant pour travailler de maniere correcte/ serviettes a la propreté douteuse/ chambre avec moquette pleines de poussieres. coté restauration c'est juste le gouffre et dieu sait que j'aimerais pouvoir parler du lieu de manière positive. Seul + la sécurité garantit autour et dans l'hotel. pour le reste fuyez!!!!

  • Alphonse Bado

    Alphonse Bado


    Très cool. Idéalement placé au cœur de la ville. D'en haut on voit toute la ville bouillonnante.

  • abdullah osman

    abdullah osman


    It could be a lot better if maintenance is done. There are two elevators and throughout my over a week stay one was down. The hot water in the shower is barely warm. The room decor and comfort is great, hotel workers are a bit unprofessional. Security is fine too, there is an X-ray scanner at the entrance, plus military personnel patrol the hotel garden.

  • Emile Wang

    Emile Wang


    J'ai apprécié ce lieu. Un cadre idéal pour un séjour, une rencontre en bref le confort. Au bord du barrage qui vous donne encore plus de fraîcheur. Disposant d'une piscine évidemment, d'une salle de sport, d'esthétique et d'un terrain de tennis pour votre loisir.

  • Jerry Johnson

    Jerry Johnson


    Silimande is one of the best hotels in Ouagadougou when you consider Security. They have a luggage scanner and security guards will perform the body checks with hand scanners. All day and night long you have well armed soldiers patrolling the hotel. During my last stay however, I was a bit disappointed by their service level. It seems they have so much invested in the security that they have started neglecting the service level. To name just a few, you could call the Desk many a time and get no answer. Or come to the desk and see nobody to welcome you. Do not be surprised when at your arrival each of the staff you meet offers to sell you an Orange Sim card for 3000f. But beyond that their restaurant serves good meals and you have very good views on the reserve just in front of the hotel a cross the road. You will enjoy the many early morning rounds of hundreds of birds... And at night you could see the city lights from afar.

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