The Rec Center Ouagadougou i Ouagadougou

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Kontakter telefon: +226 25 50 37 74
Latitude: 12.3689545, Longitude: -1.5109262
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Kommentar 5

  • Sumudu Dhanapala

    Sumudu Dhanapala


    Little has changed here over the years, but the facilities they offer - gym, pool, tennis and the restaurant value for money.

  • Pramod Agrawal

    Pramod Agrawal


    Cool place .. good food at very reasonable price a little hecky but worth the taste given by chefs.

  • Christian Condin

    Christian Condin


    Nothing to write home about. If you really need to eat Tex-Mex it's a option but there are Dax better burger joints in town.

  • Don Guizzetti

    Don Guizzetti


    The Rec Center is our regular on Sunday after church. Good food, friendly service, fair prices.

  • Manny Soetaert

    Manny Soetaert


    It used to be great, but it's gone downhill since the embassy moved. Still a decent place to go for a bite to eat, though it took about an hour to get our food (and we were the first ones to order)!

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