General Directorate of the National Police of Burkina i Ouagadougou

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Koulouba, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Kontakter telefon: +226 25 33 12 83
Latitude: 12.3727519, Longitude: -1.5160591
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Kommentar 5

  • Frederic Bako

    Frederic Bako


  • Florent Oued

    Florent Oued


    Lieu de sécurité

  • ابراهيم اسماعيل

    ابراهيم اسماعيل



  • harouna sawadogo

    harouna sawadogo


    J'ai adoré

  • Allie Smith

    Allie Smith


    Mr Toni Sebastien of the Bank of Africa has a Police brother who is abusing police authority in Burkina Faso where he called my wife to a police station as his brother Mr Toni is soliciting sex from my wife who do not want Mr Toni near her. So I have complained to the President and to the Head Office of the Bank of Africa. Mr Toni and his police brother made Africa to be in disgrace. Is borrowing money a crime in Burkina Faso? I have made a crime report to the London Police against Mr Toni who sent email to me and called me a "Black monkey", "African monkey", etc. Remove Mr Toni Sebastien's brother from the police force in Burkina Faso. Mr Toni said that his family and friends owned Burkina Faso. Regards Allie Smith

Desværre, der er ingen steder i Politi Burkina Faso

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