Festival des Glaces i Ouagadougou

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Avenue Houari Boumedienne, Ouagadougou, Kadiogo, BF Burkina Faso
Kontakter telefon: +226 71 55 38 58
Latitude: 12.3651025, Longitude: -1.516977
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Kommentar 5

  • david akatey

    david akatey


    Good place and nice meals

  • Emmanuel Adu-Kissiedu

    Emmanuel Adu-Kissiedu


    Good office location

  • mahamadou zoungrana

    mahamadou zoungrana


    I took too long to get my order. Very slow people

  • Isaac Kitson Tenor

    Isaac Kitson Tenor


    Good environment, nice and all kinds of ice cream, pizza as well as pastries

  • William Haun

    William Haun


    Decent ice cream, nice variety of foods on menu. Order any meal other than a sandwich or burger and expect to wait. I typically order their Croque Madame (2200cfa) and it's always good. Servers are often distracted and you may have to work to get their attention. Their cakes seem to be very popular as I see lots of folks ordering them but I've never tried them myself. TVs are always on and the volume is up so they kind of ruin the ambiance. Upstairs by the restrooms they have a tiny little kids play area.

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